Tabernacle Baptist Church has a number of different ministries aimed at reaching and ministering to individuals, as well as families. Each page provides a brief statement about the ministry. All children’s ministries have trained and qualified leaders, who understand the great responsibility of working with the young.

Children's Ministry
No matter their age, there is a class for every child. Our Children's Ministry includes Sunday School, Junior Church, and King's Kids.
Alethia Teen Ministry
Our teen ministry meets regularly for Sunday school and youth groups on Wednesday nights. We also hold teen activities like bowling, snow tubing, mountain hiking, and the opportunity to go on foreign mission trips. If interested in having your teen join, contact Pastor Mike or Andria Small, the new youth directors who have a real heart for ministering to families with teens.

Men's Ministry
Fellowship and encouragement serve as the two main purposes for this ministry. The men of the church meet regularly for prayer breakfasts, work projects, and fun activities like outdoor laser tag. The Men’s ministry also sponsors the annual Sweetheart Dinner in February, which includes a fine meal and a challenging Christian movie.
Women's Ministry
Our Women's ministry meets throughout the year for the purpose of fellowshipping and encouraging one another in the Lord, as well as reaching out to other women. Some of the activities include a Secret Sister Brunch, Christmas shopping, craft night for missionary wives, and game nights. There is always plenty of food, fun, and fellowship!

The ministry of discipleship encourages new believers to grow in their walk with Christ by teaming up with a mature believer who is able to instruct and encourage them in the Lord, providing accountability and stability.
Sunday School
View all of our available Sunday school classes for all ages, grades, and times below.

Are you looking for help or advice? Our pastoral staff offers Bible-centered counseling for all those in need by pointing them to the finished work of Jesus Christ for their victory. Please contact the church office to set up a time to meet with one of our pastors below.
Our Outreach
One of the most vital ministries of our church is outreach. Jesus Christ commissioned His church to preach the gospel to every creature. Our calling is to reach our community with the gospel, and support missionaries to foreign countries to plant churches and win people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Local outreach is accomplished through soul-winning efforts by door-to-door, literature distribution at Old Home Days in Hudson, and through regular opportunities with our lost neighbors, friends, or co-workers. Want to get involved? Contact us for more information!

During Sunday school and other services, we provide a nursery that is fully staffed, safe, and secure. It is for kids ages up to three years old.